MyMurphyFamily Gets a Facelift!
Posted by: Andy Murphy - 11/24/2010 11:50:42 PM You may not recognize this website if you visit it frequently. Finally, our website has a much needed updated look.
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Happy 40th Anniversary Mom and Dad!
Posted by: Andy Murphy - 8/7/2010 10:08:25 PM 
My parents' 40th anniversary was July 4, 2010 I created a video tribute and put many old and new pictures online to celebrate the occasion. Read More |
Bad Break
Posted by: Deanna Murphy - 4/20/2010 8:22:15 PM Today This afternoon while cruising the little two-seater in the family room, Alex fell. It seemed like a “normal” toddler fall but I realized very quickly that something was amiss. He wouldn’t stop crying or settle after I held him for 10-15 minutes. He was not really moving his right arm so I was concerned and called my personal nurse mother-in-law to ask her opinion. After we talked, I called our pediatrician who advised me to take Alex to urgent care for an x-ray, concurring with Fran that it could be a break of some kind (arm, shoulder, clavicle). Read More |
Sarah In Good Spirits Despite Extended Illness
Posted by: Andy Murphy - 10/28/2009 9:24:18 PM 
I have been fortunate in my life to never have been hospitalized overnight. I have had a few bouts with stitches when my brothers and I were young when my head met the hard bricks on the fireplace in our family room. In her short six years, Sarah has had at least three separate overnight hospital stays. Her current one is definitely her most intense and easily the most lengthy. Read More |
Goodbye to a Wonderful Friend
Posted by: Deanna Murphy - 7/28/2009 9:11:50 PM 
Today is a sad day in the Murphy household. We got word that our wonderful canine friend, Queen, has gone to Heaven. My aunt and uncle got Queen when I lived with them during college and after a few days of warming up, she became a true member of the family. She was a very snuggly, kind, intuitive dog. When I was down, she would nudge my chin to help me be happy. She loved sleeping on the bed with me (and taking more room than a dog her size should have commanded). Once, when the basement was filling with smoke because of a problem with a dryer belt, she ran around barking to alert me to the danger. I was sad to leave Queen when I got married but she was never far from my heart. Read More |
A New Bike Rider And a Sweaty Dad
Posted by: Andy Murphy - 7/15/2009 9:04:31 PM Just this week, Sarah and I have been practicing riding a big bike without the training wheels. It is a big step for Sarah. She is like her Daddy and doesn't always like change and it takes awhile to grow on her. Every night this week we have practiced in our driveway after dinner. She has slowly gotten better and better every day. She still gets frustrated very easily - many times getting the helmet on with all her hair! When I try to help her, I just get the strap stuck and it pulls her hair - then it is all over. Tonight was different. Read More |
Sunday, Bloody Sunday
Posted by: Deanna Murphy - 5/24/2009 8:15:02 PM Today during mass, after we returned from Communion, Sarah and I were singing and I heard this LOUD thump sound. I turned to my left to see Charlotte on the floor and realized instantly that she'd fallen backward off of the pew and hit the back of her head on the VERY HARD wooden pew seat in front of us. On instinct, I scooped her up (Andy was holding Alex) and ran out the door into a small vestibule area. I didn't think about it--it was pure Mama Instinct. I had put my hand on the back of her head and it turns out it was a good thing I did...she was gushing blood all over my hand and down her back. I got one of Alex's diapers out of the diaper bag and put it on her head to absorb the blood--there was so much! Read More |
Out With the Old, In With the New
Posted by: Andy Murphy - 5/17/2009 4:12:49 PM The spring always seems to be about change. This year for our family that is definitely true. Here are some of the highlights...
Andy Retires His Car After Fourteen Years
Before March, the last time I got a new car, I was in high school. The funny thing is that I have been out of high school 14 years now! Most of you will likely recognize my dark green Escort. That car was my transportation for fourteen years. I put a great number of miles on it the first five years I drove it. Once it became only 'the work car' around 2001, that number shrank to only a few thousand miles per year! Still, it was a great car and even the air conditioning still worked when I donated it on March 27, 2009.
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Like Father, Like Son
Posted by: Andy Murphy - 2/25/2009 11:53:23 PM Last night we had fun recreating a pose that my parents put me in back when I was less than one month old. Fast-forward 32 years and Alex has been subjected to the same treatment. Same Raggedy-Andy doll, but not the same plaid couch. Read More |
Home At Last
Posted by: Deanna Murphy - 2/25/2009 5:32:47 PM 
The day after Alex was admitted to the hospital for jaundice, he was released from the phototherapy around 11am. After finding out that his bilirubin level had decreased to 12.6 overnight, the doctors felt confident that we were over the hump with that threat and they let us leave. We were home by 1:30 that afternoon. The next morning, we were to report to the pediatrician who was upset that we were released before it was proven that Alex was gaining weight. Read More |
Alex Returns to the Hospital
Posted by: Deanna Murphy - 2/11/2009 10:35:43 PM Well, just as we thought Alex was in the clear as far as his bilirubin level goes, his level spiked back up to 19 today. Since the level for treatment is 18 and he lost an ounce since Monday (though Andy and I aren't convinced that it was actually an ounce and if it was, is that really that significant?), our pediatrician decided to admit him to Dayton Children's for phototherapy. We arrived here around 3pm and had to wait for a room. When we did get a room, it was a tiny room shared with another girl who was going home today after a week's stay for a kidney infection. Andy and the girls stayed with Alex and me until about 4:30. I took Alex down to radiology for a head ultrasound (who has ever heard of such a thing?). He has been shaking a lot since his birth and even before and I've mentioned it to the doctor. To be safe, she wanted to investigate further to make sure nothing is wrong. Eventually, we were given a private room which beats the pants off of that tiny closet-like room we were in before. Read More |
Grandpa Reporting For Duty
Posted by: Andy Murphy - 2/8/2009 10:03:40 PM Today was our second full day at home as a family of five. Today was definitely a much better day all around than last yesterday. Both Deanna and I were more rested. At least today I didn't feel under a cloud as much as I have for most of the past days. I still don't know how Deanna does it - as she has gotten less rest than I have because of the whole breast feeding thing! I try to do whatever I can do help, but often times in the night he wants something I cannot give him. I still try to get up and prtend that I can help - even though there is often little I can do. It is frustrating at times to watch the first few days of awkwardness and struggles that go with breastfeeding a newborn. But things seem to be getting better. With Charlotte those struggles continued for seven weeks so hopefully it doesn't go on anywhere near that long. Read More |
Welcome Alexander Andrew Murphy!
Posted by: Andy Murphy - 2/4/2009 11:49:47 PM 

We are so proud to introduce you to the newest addition to our family...
Alexander Andrew Murphy
Born : February 4th, 2009 - 5:01 PM
Weight : 8 pounds 2 ounces
Length : 21"
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