Grandpa Reporting For Duty

Today was our second full day at home as a family of five.  Today was definitely a much better day all around than last yesterday.  Both Deanna and I were more rested.  At least today I didn't feel under a cloud as much as I have for most of the past days.  I still don't know how Deanna does it - as she has gotten less rest than I have because of the whole breast feeding thing!  I try to do whatever I can do help, but often times in the night he wants something I cannot give him.  I still try to get up and prtend that I can help - even though there is often little I can do. It is frustrating at times to watch the first few days of awkwardness and struggles that go with breastfeeding a newborn.  But things seem to be getting better.  With Charlotte those struggles continued for seven weeks so hopefully it doesn't go on anywhere near that long. 

My parents left on Saturday afternoon after helping out with the girls and visiting with Alex.  My Dad woke up on Saturday morning and prompted declared 'Grandpa reporting for duty."  The girls definitely gave him a run for his money the past couple days!  We are so grateful for their help and everyone else that helped us during this time. 

Alex's bilirubin level had risen to 17 today.  This indicates he is jaundiced.  They start to treat when the level reaches 18. We are going to an appointment tomorrow where they will check it once again.  We had to get a BiliBlanket with Sarah and ended up in the hosptial with Charlotte for the same thing - so at least we know what to expect.  It surely will be inconvenient if that is the case - but compared to what other parents / kids have to deal with, we are blessed. 

We asked Andy's brother Chris and cousin Amanda to be the Godparents.  They both agreed, so Alex is thrilled.  He hasn't met them yet, but we know he will think as hightly of them as his parents do! 


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Posted : 2/19/2016 8:04:32 PM

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Posted : 2/19/2016 8:04:29 PM

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Posted : 2/19/2016 7:04:22 PM

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Posted : 2/19/2016 4:55:31 PM

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Posted : 2/19/2016 2:18:25 AM

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Posted : 2/18/2016 3:18:13 PM

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Posted : 2/18/2016 3:14:16 PM

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Posted : 2/17/2016 7:13:46 PM

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Posted : 2/17/2016 4:02:20 PM

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Posted : 2/17/2016 4:02:16 PM

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Posted : 2/16/2016 10:09:31 PM

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Posted : 2/16/2016 10:09:11 PM

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Posted : 2/16/2016 5:26:03 AM

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Posted : 2/14/2016 10:39:38 PM

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Posted : 2/14/2016 10:21:07 PM

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Posted : 2/14/2016 1:48:20 AM

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