The basement 'drum room' prior to any cleaning or construction
What a mess!
A lot of junk in this room!
I better get cleaning...
The wood ready for framing
The room cleaned out and ready for construction
The strange heating duct in the corner of the room
The room had a work bench in it
The wall studs are up after 1 day! - Feb 6, 2012
Walls are up!
Solid framing
The interior wall of the room
Day 1 of framing complete
The room looks a lot bigger without all the crap in it
Andy by the closet in the new basement office
The closet is taking shape
Day 2 of framing included the closet and the soffit around the duct work
The duct work starting to be concealed
Alex checks out the construction
Father and son enjoy some time in the new office
The framing is complete after 2 days
The can lights are installed - Feb 10, 2012
An outlet in the closet that can power by ethernet switch
Let there be light!
The guys installed the lights and wiring in a few hours
A four gang box for four light switches
Charlotte likes to help out!
Andy drills for some speaker, phone and ethernet wires
The van filled with insulation
Nothing goes together like donuts and insulation!
Andy with his ethernet wires
speaker wires, HDMI and cable come in here
It looks like enough to do a whole house - only enough for a 12x16 room
measuring the first piece of insulation
I start to itch just looking at this
This will become the hub for all ethernet wires in the house
R-19 for the ceiling was thick stuff
I stuffed the ceiling with insulation for sound and temperature control
The room with insulation on the walls and ceiling
This insulation filled the space nicely
Lots of wires running through the rafters
The room is ready for drywall
The insulation was one part of the room that I did myself
This corner is where my desk will go
Those are some long sheets of drywall (12 footers)
Some more drywall placed in the room and ready to hang
Some smaller drywall sheets ready for hanging tomorrow
Our carpenter extended the duct work because of the closet
A side view of the extended duct work
These wires are out of control!
Mar 2, 2012 - drywall is hung and mudded!
The speaker wires punched through the drywall
Amazing how fast the guys work to get this all done in a day
The wires punched through the drywall
It is really starting to look like a room now
We went with a textured ceiling - it came out very nice
One last look before painting
Daddy's helpers ready to prime the walls!
The drywall ready for some paint
Char wanted to help paint on her birthday!
Sarah putting white Kilz on the walls
I think you kind of missed some spots, girls
Andy finished the painting after the girls got bored
An empty canvas ready for some color
The can lights complete with trim
The expert at 'cutting in'!
One wall painted
These cool wall plates make this mess of wires look alright
This looks like the wall is throwing up wires
Andy sanding the trim before painting
The closet door is hung and ready for some paint
The window frame needed some spray painting
hey, I wanted to make sure no paint got on the ceiling or walls!
The window frame with a coat of spray paint primer
The closet door needed to be trimmed because it is a short opening
Our carpenter Jeff extended the door jam nicely
A lot of switches for a small room!
The green accent wall came out nice
Painting the door white
The office with everything painted
The office - Mar 22, 2012
Another green accent wall on the outside of the closet
The wire going into the closet was a temporary hookup for the cable modem
The future site of my desk
The red floor is a nice touch
We put a closet organizer up as well from left overs of another set
A classy van representing the company well
The carpet is installed - Mar 27, 2012
It took the guys an hour or less to put the carpet in
The room is looking nice with the carpet
Deanna helping build my IKEA desk
The assembled frame of the desk
We got several pieces of the desk on clearance due to our exploring the return section at IKEA
My desk is in place!
The office upstairs before taking a lot of this downstairs
Getting all of these monitors and computers out of here will give this office a cleaner look
The room is staring to take shape
The computers are all hooked up
I got these at IKEA as well
We installed the track lights on 3/31/12
These are the lights I turn on most of the time - add just enough light