D with our luggage including the two black suitcases we got for a total of $6.50
The girls helped with the luggage in the airport
We had bagels in the airport for breakfast
Alex finally gets orange juice after asking for it all morning
char is silly with her bagel
Alex ready for takeoff - even at 7am
Alex isn't old enough to lobby for the window seat
Sarah with the Disney art kit that Mom bought for the trip
Sarah did use this on the 2 hour flight to Florida
Dad and Sarah rode together to Florida
Alex watched 'Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood' on Mom's computer
Char got the window seat next to Mom down to Florida
We arrived in Orlando,Florida around 9:30am - MUCH quicker than driving!
Mom had the job of wrangling three carseats through the airport
The Nissan Quest had a compartment in the back where we put part of our luggage
The Nissan Quest was a nice ride for the week
We arrive at our great house for the week!
The pool ready for swimming
We enjoyed lunch out by the pool
Char with her new buddy that was at the house
I think I had a little too much sunscreen
Char takes a break from the pool
The girls had a great time in the pool
The weather was in the 90s in Florida even in late September
Dad spent a lot of time in the pool with the kids (and really enjoyed it!)
Char shows little brother how to pose for the camera
We bought Alex some sunglasses that he even wore at times!
Bad to the bone!
Andy did shopping for food at a nearby Super Target - D was jealous
The kids relaxing inside on a hot day in Florida
Deanna made pasta our first night on vacation - we didn't break our habit of pasta Mondays
Mom was afraid Alex would get out of the house in the middle of the night - so we setup this simple solution
Mom and Alex snuggle our first morning in Florida
Char enjoys a raft Dad bought at a local store
Dad and Alex relaxing in the pool
Alex's favorite (and only) place to jump into the pool
The kids painted outside using water colors
Char makes a great picture of a fruit bowl
Even Alex kept busy painting some pictures
Mom and Char at dinner our last night in Florida at a local Italian restaurant
The girls at the airport heading home with new buddies
A Southwest Plane (turned out not to be ours)
Alex with his new pal 'Red' ready for the trip back to Ohio
Andy and Sarah drew some pictures on the plane on the way back home
Mom and Alex via Sarah peeking in from the seat in front
Char scored the window seat on the way back too
Sarah's new buddy rides on the tray table
Sarah's self portrait on the plane
Alex shows off his new Cars 2 jacket
The kids show off some Disney clothes we gave them at home
Minnie squared
We took Char to a local orthodonist to fix her broken expander
Char ready to go back into vacation mode after her braces are fixed
We found Alex sleeping on the couch like this two times on the trip!